Oct 7, 2024

Animatic Update & Storyboards

Tunnel of Love x Parallel Universe

Updated Storyboard with newest animatic

New and improved storyboard, featuring more than just static shots and incorporates more of Robert Yeoman's iconic cinematography, including, long pans, elevator drops, anamorphic views, extreme close ups, tracking shots, and of course the all important wide angle

The image below is what i want the climax of the project to look like, I'd like tons of images to be plastered on the walls around my 2 characters, I think images flying by showing the passing of time along with some static and flashing images will again add that the presence of time is revelant here. Showing the range of human emotions along with the range of human relationships is also something I want to capture fully by the end of my project. Because this isn't just about love anymore, but about everything surrounding love and the meaning of being human (the good and the bad).